
i had a party last night! i invited 18 of my nearest and dearest over to watch the amazing race premiere and to finally see my big, entertainable apartment. of course, only five showed up, which wasn’t all that bad, really. quality over quantity, right? it was interesting to have work friends meet internet friends. i was really hoping m&m could come just to make the whole universes colliding theme complete, but it was shopping night, so they were unable to attend.
now that i know i can entertain without calamity (and my blender is capable of making margaritas), i think i just might do it again.
today was my day off and i took full advantage. i slept in, had a bath, caught up on some tv watching and then I WENT FOR A MASSAGE. oh, yes. a massage. forty-five minutes of being rubbed with lotion. even the whole being naked on a table in front of a stranger didn’t bug me enough to stop enjoying it. i have a follow-up appointment in two weeks. this is definitely going to become a habit. mm, massage.
what are you waiting for? go get a massage!

One Thought on “party on, dude

  1. It’s even better when you are no longer a stranger to the massage therapist. I used to get them (haven’t had one in a while, come to think of it), and soon it became as convivial as a haircut. Only much, much more enjoyable.

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