today’s my friday, but i’m too stressed to enjoy the fact i don’t have to come to work tomorrow.
i’m web-restless. now that i have this great new webhost and more space than i know what to do with, i’m keen on a redesign, or switching to a new content management system, or just adding neat new features (i’ve already added this one).
there’s a huge assignment and two smaller, but just as annoying, homework items due this saturday and i’ve done none of them. i haven’t even started them. hell, i’ve barely even looked at them. the worst thing is, i don’t even care. i’ve been sitting at home each night this week knitting instead of working on them. i’m really quite disgusted with myself and i’m not sure why i don’t feel any compunction to apply myself this term. maybe i should have taken another programming course instead of xml. whatever, i’m just halfway through the course and i have to figure out a way to get my ass in gear and give a shit about what i’ve paid to learn.
that being said, i’m going out for dinner and then to a union meeting tonight. tomorrow night, i’m going to see daredevil with karen. saturday, after class, we’re going out somewhere for the boys’s birthdays. and, finally, sunday night i’m going to dinner at my uncle’s. somewhere in the time that’s left, i have to do these three assignments, clean out my fridge so i’m not embarrassed when i call the landlords to come look at it, get the car washed & fill the tires, do laundry, go grocery shopping, read the 700-page book that’s due back at the library by next tuesday, finish watching my six feet under tapes and sleep, shower & eat.
i think i’d rather run away and re-enact the dream i had last night which starred a half-naked mikey in paul’s new apartment.
and teach me knitting!
we should make a date for next weekend, col.
Yay! My fubsy albino giraffe is back! (Boy, that poor giraffe must have major self-esteem issues! ;))
which half was naked?
i’m not telling. ;)
i’m hoping to god it was the half that doesn’t expose your gentials in my new apartment!