okay, so maybe i didn’t die, but i sure as hell was nervous enough for my heart to think about quitting instead of continue beating that hard.
the interview was two hours of talking about myself. although you might think otherwise, what with this here website i’ve been writing on for four years now, i am really not very comfortable talking about myself. especially not when it means playing up my strengths and abilities. i tend to assume i’m fairly mediocre and nothing i do is of any great talent so when they ask things like “what’s your skill level in Excel” or “what strengths would you bring to this position” i stammer and make some sort of comment about curiosity and cuteness.
a lot of the questions were answered with me referencing things i did at my previous job at the golf car place. after the interview and as the day turned into evening and the evening turned into night and even as i was getting ready for work this morning i kept remembering more things i used to do at that job which i’d totally forgotten about (and should have mentioned yesterday). this is where the not thinking what i do is so great comes in. looking back, it didn’t feel like i was doing that much at that job, but when i had to talk about the different tasks and duties it started to sound like a lot. here i was, some punk nineteen year old running an office.
i told them the story about how i took home a year’s worth of customer invoices and sorted them out alphabetically and chronologically in order to then transcribe all the customer information, invoices and payments onto their new customer account cards. that took about a week’s worth of evenings. mom wasn’t too impressed, but the cat sure did like lying on all that crinkly paper.
that’s a pretty crazy thing to do. maybe i am good at organizing and tracking stuff. maybe i do know more than i believe that i do. maybe i am smarter than i give myself credit for. maybe i am ready to take on a job which will actually challenge me again.
i’ll know sometime next week.

One Thought on “pulse check: complete

  1. w00t!
    It can be hard talking about one’s self. So, here is a little advice for those who find it hard:
    1. Picture Paul Hogan (yes, Croc. Dundee did always say that talking about himself was his favourite subject).
    2. Visualize him in on a beach.
    3. Add Kenny Loggins.
    3. Have them break into a rousing rendition of “Playing With The Boys” from Top Gun.
    That should cure anyone from being nervous. I think…

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