let’s see… friday night: cards & pizza. saturday: cleaning, laundry, cleaning, dishes, cleaning, amateur hockey, beer & video rentals. sunday: reading, playstation, grocery shopping, videos, in bed by 7:30pm.
i’m kicking myself for having such a bleh weekend, especially since there was such beautiful weather. of course, now it’s rainy and gross again. whee. i basically ignored the computer, too. which is good. it’s funny, ’cause i’ve been ignoring my computer a lot lately. once i get home, i just can’t find anything interesting to do on it. i’d rather veg out on the futon.
wow. i’m sleepy. i just closed my eyes and i think i zonked out. yes, at my desk. yes, at work. damn, when will the coffee be ready?
today, we have some guy starting a five-week practicum in our department. five to one odds he’s asian. four years, four students, four of them asian. although, webber sounds pretty anglo. regardless of where he comes from, i hope he’s fun. we need someone fun. i also wish i’d remembered this before now and managed to have normal hair as opposed to the freak-out-drowned-rat hair i’m experiencing right now. first impressions aren’t *that* important, are they?
by the way, don’t rent or buy the harry potter video game. it’s dumb. really dumb. although, i could just be saying that because i spent over an hour in the flying tutorial and couldn’t get out. i hate flying games. i just can’t finesse the game pad. i don’t have the touch. *sigh*

3 Thoughts on “purge

  1. 1. Flying games ROCK.
    2. Not much to do on the computer; someone could write me more emails… ;)
    3. Bleh is what weekends are for. There are no rules that say you have to DO anything on a weekend; you’re not a walking-talking Nike commercial. I personally did a lot this weekend, but it was purely through no active decision-making process of my own (other than watching the Leonids).

  2. heather on November 19, 2001 at 10:26 said:

    i don’t know why i should bother writing emails when people can’t read them…

  3. I just got yours… ahhh, the wonders of hotmail’s pop retrieval system.

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