
um, hi.
happy new year!
i’m not dead, although the cold got worse before it got better, but the doctor gave me some cough syrup with codeine and the resulting drug-induced sleep was so good for me i started to feel better before i actually was well which meant i got to come back to work and wear myself out. what a way to start a new year.
the last couple of weeks have been a bit of a blur. not because they’ve been very exciting, but with the holidays, the illness, start of the year work busyness and some socializing the days have just been zooming by. you’ll have to forgive me if i leave some things unblogged.
but, i know that there are at least a few of you out there who are curious about how my new year’s eve “date” with dante went. well, it pretty much didn’t. i showed up at the pub in my sparkly new outfit (earrings all the way to shoes new) looking damn scrumptious, if i do say so myself. he was there, but totally ignored me for about half an hour. when he finally came over to sit by me he was acting… odd.
then came midnight. let’s see… if YOU had a date for NYE wouldn’t you want to be where they were at midnight to get your kissing action? yeah, that’s what i thought. my date was nowhere to be found at midnight. he was somewhere completely else inside with other people. i was pretty unimpressed, to tell the truth. so, i just kissed meghan and mark instead!
a couple hours later, very near leaving time, he had suddenly taken more interest in me. we had been sitting at the bar talking for a while. he’d leaned over and kissed me, just a peck, but he was sitting really far away. he kept talking about what i thought of being with him in 20 years. i was thinking “but you totally dissed my NYE kiss”. shortly thereafter, m&m and i were offered a ride by a sober regular and i hastily paid my $92 bar bill (HOLY FREAKING GOD!) and ran out into 2006 after an awkward hug (honestly, i got more better hugs from people i’d never met before that night than i did from dante — being a good hugger is very important).
he phoned me the next day. i was still in the middle of my plague and i’d completely lost my voice during the night. it was a really good phone call, actually. he asked if i wanted to go to lunch on monday since i had it off work. i told him to phone me at eleven and we would if i felt up to it. well, monday came. eleven came. eleven-fifteen came. eleven-twenty-five came. i got fed up and went to the clinic (where i sat for an hour beside the puking kid), ran some errands, picked up my prescription, bought some noodles at the mall and then went home. when i checked my messages i heard:
“hi. it’s me. call me back.” at 11:46.
there’s just so much wrong with that. first, he was late. i hate that. if you say you’re going to call at eleven, you call at eleven. secondly, what kind of crappy message was that? you can’t be courteous and considerate to my voicemail? “hey, i hope you’re feeling better. call me back if you want to go get something to eat.” third, he was LATE!
even after all that, i’m feeling really, really lousy that i haven’t called him back. the rest of monday went in a trying to get better before going back to work haze. then work got busy and i was doing nothing but sleeping when i got home. then the weekend past. now it’s nine days since that message and i wonder if i should even bother calling now. there’s no good excuse. i really am the worst call-returner ever — ask anyone — but, he doesn’t know that and probably just thinks i’m a big jerk.
at some point i’m going to go back to the pub and he’s going to be there and it’s going to be weird. i don’t want to date him. i wouldn’t mind being his friend, but there’s just nothing there for me to get all fluttery and goofy over. yeah, it’s nice that there’s this guy who wants to sit beside me at the bar and thinks i’m neat, but… i’m finally willing to wait for the right thing instead of taking the thing right now. i deserve to get what i want and what i need. we all do. settling is for suckers. don’t do it.

10 Thoughts on “re-entry

  1. Here here for the non-settlers!
    Dante is an ass, and does not deserve the hotness, and I would strongly consider telling him so. But that’s just me.

  2. you’re not a big jerk for not returning the call. i wouldn’t either. if he doesn’t get it already (and he likely doesn’t), he will now. serves him right. if he can’t “play well with others”, then he certainly doesn’t deserve the pleasure of your company..and definitely not for 20 years!!

  3. shelagh on January 11, 2006 at 11:35 said:

    not for 20 minutes either.

  4. Wow. Did you tell him what you thought of being with him in 20 years?! What a moron. Can’t tell if he’s just a social buffoon who has no clue what someone else might be thinking or if he thinks that little of you that you’re good enough to kiss when he’s horny and might stick around for him for 20 years even though he’s a shmuck. Either way, buh-bye Dante!

  5. who needs that kind of arrogance in their life? just brings you down, right where you do not belong, now or in twenty years!

  6. No doubt. What a scumbag. The other Jen’s right. Dante doesn’t deserve The Hawtness.
    Such a shame, too. Dante’s such a hawt name.

  7. the hotness on January 11, 2006 at 15:39 said:

    oh, his name isn’t actually dante. i just call him that because he looks like dante from ‘clerks’. his name is mark.

  8. Dante is a poohead. You deserve better than some guy whose name reminds me of that dude on Average Joe.

  9. you’re being way toooo nice for feeling guilty that you didn’t call this guy up… way too too nice. I mean, he just doesn’t deserve you after his astoundingly thoughless behaviour. But there’s a whole year of adventures ahead, yay for good times and fun dates ahead in 2006!

  10. Uh oh…boys named Mark are bad news. Markus, on the other hand, is fine, however. *lol* And I agree with all the pp, I wouldn’t waste my time on him.

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