percolation, conversation,
laundry, quake, ambling,
bread buying,
pawn shops & consignment clothes, toast & ketchup,
aromatherapy therapy,
roasted peppers, hemp conditioner,
banana bread mission, salsa obsession,
crab leg tango,
jello tasting, dq licking,
guest-star driver, tetris war,
video review,
horizontal heaven.

9 Thoughts on “saturday: terse verse

  1. Goddess on July 23, 2001 at 09:16 said:

    Kisses??!?! With who?!?!?!

  2. heather on July 23, 2001 at 10:31 said:

    i’m not telling. *smug expression*

  3. Not me…*looks guilty*

  4. ooooh…
    the only kisses i’ve gotten have been from my cat. bleh.

  5. *stays away from obvious joke*

  6. heh heh, free advertising.
    and he’s not kidding. i’ll plant a big smoochy on anyone who wants to blog!!

  7. I’m not even going to ask about horizontal heaven :p

  8. heather on July 23, 2001 at 19:40 said:

    aww, c’mon! you know you want to. ;)

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