have you ever though about your past sexual partners and tried to “construct” the perfect lover out of them? i did. lying in bed the other night, on the cusp of sleep, i started picking apart the men i’ve been with, cataloging what i liked and disliked and tried to piece together the ultimate bedmate for my tastes. it was difficult!
and, no; you’re not getting anymore detail than that.

7 Thoughts on “sex!

  1. i just tried, and guess what – it’s a person entirely made out of the parts of my current gf. lucky me. :)

  2. *clapping* Good answer, Iain!

  3. I am the amalgam of all heathers bf best parts…unfortunatly for her…I’m already married. heh.

  4. I’m just parts… some good, some better!

  5. heather on October 31, 2001 at 19:20 said:

    dammit, dan! *bludgeons self with ibm keyboard*

  6. umm…Dan just dropped a part.
    Anyone want that?? *pointing*

  7. Guruvious, would that make him Leperman?

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