
i know, i know. i’m a bad blogger. honestly, i’m putting my favourite photos on nuttymuffin, so i don’t have anything to show you. i’m wound really tight because everything which is freaking me out, so i have too much to tell you.
just give me my lashes and we can start over.
my car is dying. i think. it’s been acting funny for the past week. intermittently sputtering and hesitating when i try to accelerate or take it up a hill. i finally have a witness to its behaviour in jamie. we both thought it might die on the way home from our little photo excursion last night. i’ve put in some gas treatment in hopes that it was just moisture in the fuel, and it ran absolutely perfectly this morning, but i’m not so sure it’s fixed. what i do know is that by the time i get to work in the morning or home at night i’ve got a stress headache just from wondering which press of the pedal is going to make it really quit this time.
a co-worker has suggested buying a new (to me) car instead of sinking more money into mine. he’s got a friend with a toyota tercel they’re selling for $500. being a veteran of driving cheap cars, it seems reasonable to him to do such a thing and he very nearly convinced me of that, too. but thinking on it, to buy some other car would be like opening pandora’s box of automotive issues. i know exactly what’s been done to my car and when. i know just from feel and sound if there’s something in need of work. this new car i would have no history on, no experience. why not spend that $500 on my car to help it with its longevity?
so that’s what i’m going to do. i’ll give it a little tune up for the winter, replace the scaryloud muffler and see how it likes that. maybe run some other engine or oil treatments through it as well. if that doesn’t fix it, then i guess it’s time to park it and start taking the bus.

2 Thoughts on “so much

  1. fizzgig on October 5, 2005 at 13:21 said:

    car that old? misfiring under load… likely electrical. dunno if it’s electronic ignition or not.. but if not my first guess would be points, condenser, rotor, cap, coil, plug wires, or plugs. checked in that order. I’d say it’s not ready to die on ya yet. If that engine was pooched it’d sould like a steelworks factory all the time.

  2. plug wires.

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