this morning i woke up in my 500 square foot apartment to have a shower with as much hot water as i could handle. afterwards, i bedecked my body with expensive products to make it smell less or better or look shinier or silkier. with the radio playing modern music in the background, i stood in front of one of my two closets and picked out something to wear for the day, my only considerations whether or not the office would be warm or cold. i picked out a short-sleeved shirt and jeans, uncaring if skin was bared or not. in my kitchen, i opened full cupboards to procure food to eat throught the day, making choices from among the many varieties available to me. i put money in my wallet and got into my single-occupancy vehicle and drove 25 kilometres to where i work for a wage considered ridiculous by some. now i am sitting in front of a computer, reading and typing at an advanced level while considering what i’m going to go purchase for myself just because i can.
i’ve got it good, here in the fat west. so do you, if you’re reading this. we’re overflowing with riches and possibilities and the thing that pisses me off the most is that none of us even realize it most of the time. we bitch because we don’t make enough money or our asses aren’t small enough while billions of people around the world can only dream of having a fraction of our wealth or freedom. things are unbalanced and scary right now, but just think about how safe and soft you truly are while you’re sitting at home watching other people get their homes and lives annihilated on CNN tonight.

16 Thoughts on “soft and fat

  1. Thank you.
    I got shit on for pointin that out myself, a couple months back, but thank you nonetheless.

  2. aww. poor fizzgig.

  3. fizzgig on March 21, 2003 at 01:09 said:

    I know!! I suspect a sinister conspiracy to keep me and my insights from conveyance to the world.

  4. it’s all so very true, and sadly, CNN and the others work hard to make it as video-game-like as possible.
    happiness is a full fridge, i can’t forget that.

  5. i’m such a damn idealist. i really believe we’re trying to give them a chance to have some of the things we have. starting with a little freedom from a murderous, oppressive government…
    i hope so, anyway.

  6. heather on March 21, 2003 at 11:43 said:

    there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting that. i just don’t believe that it’s our* job to do so. it would be a very different story if the iraqi people were rising up against saddam’s regime and we* were just supporting them, but that’s not what this is about. this is about imposing western ideals on a different country and culture. with force of arms. there is nothing right about that. remember that. no one asked the u.s. to help.
    *yes, i realize canada is officially not participating in this action, but if it were more of a supportive process, i’m certain we would be.

  7. The Iraqi people tried to rise up… the Shiites right after the Gulf War. We (Canada included, that time) left them out to hang and dry. The Kurds tried in ’98, and they, too, were gassed and murdered by the thousands.
    They’ve tried, and the UN looked the other way. We’ve had enough: it’s time to help them do what they HAVE ALREADY BEEN TRYING TO DO THEMSELVES but we’ve been too busy with our dot-bombs in the 90’s.

  8. yeah, Bush and the lads are going to Iraq to free the people! If anyone’s left after the bombs…and for no (oil) other reason (oil) than (oil) for justice and (oil) freedom.
    Puh-leese. money talks, souls walk.

  9. Your statement is so ignorant it makes me laugh… this is SOOOO not about oil.
    Get your head out of your (oil) and read something other than liberal dogmatic farsical pulp.

  10. Miguel on March 21, 2003 at 15:48 said:

    Hmm.. but maybe it is your (our) job in the West to get rid of him.. remember he is another one of those leftovers from the cold war. Hussein was important in blocking off Iran, keeping the oil safe. In doing that he was allowed to tighten his grip. So maybe it is our responsability to make him go away.

  11. Miguel on March 21, 2003 at 15:51 said:

    I sometimes wish ppl like harpoon could be on the receiving end of chemical weapons.

  12. slanging now, are we? I’m not going there, that’s simply not my style.

  13. george bush on March 21, 2003 at 17:10 said:

    hey Miguel…considering you probably got a little damp crossing the border into the USA you should shut the fuck up.And anyone who thinks this conflict isn’t about OIL has their head so far up their ass it’s not even funny.

  14. Miguel on March 21, 2003 at 17:30 said:

    Hey Bush Jnr take it easy not all miguels hail from latin america FYI.
    oooooh its all about oil yeah right.

  15. george bush on March 21, 2003 at 22:21 said:

    no, miguel, it’s not all about the oil. it’s also about having a psychotic president who has had a hard on for a war ever since his daddy failed so miserably in the gulf last time. it’s about big business and the gobs of money they stand to make from a war. it’s about not having any respect for the wishes of most of the rest of the world. it’s about going against the wishes of the UN. it’s about bullying other countries into using their borders as fronts and buying them’s about one country that believes it’s the global police force despite hardly any other countries wanting them to be. and, yes, it’s about OIL. it’s about america having control over one of the largest sources of oil in the world. you’d have to be an incredibly stupid fool not to know that.

  16. Saddam Hussein on March 22, 2003 at 03:41 said:

    I think I got a Tomahawk up my ass. I just shit my pants.

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