christopher evans au natural

i’m losing days.
i know i’m awake and doing stuff, but i have to spend a lot of time concentrating to remember what i did when and with who. maybe that’s good. maybe i’m so into the now i’m no longer obsessed with the past. that bears some thinking on.
i do know that i got a full twelve hours of sleep after going out for belated birthday drinks with christopher, jen, thomas & matt at The Irish Heather friday night after work. i wish both chris & i had been feeling better to more fully enjoy the evening, but as it were, i had a good time nursing my yummy shandy and laughing my ass off. i almost forgot that i’d spent the day convincing myself i had acute angle-closure glaucoma and i should have had someone take me to the hospital before i lost vision in my eye permanently.
sunday afternoon, after cooking us up a yummy breakfast, christopher & i went for a very cold photo walk around Deer Lake in Burnaby (where the photo above was taken). we watched the dumb, dumb, dumb people walking and skating on the frozen lake. people! this is VANCOUVER! three days of -4°Celsius don’t freeze a lake anywhere near enough to go practice hockey drills on! *sigh* we did wander a good two feet out onto the frozen water, ourselves, but chris almost landed on his butt and i nearly dislocated my patella again, so we didn’t stay out long.
yesterday, i was up at 4:30am to take my dad and his pal to the airport. as i type this, they’re about four hours from docking in the first port of call on their 7-day hawaiian cruise. i love him very much, but man, do i hate him right about now.
i left work early (not because i’d gotten there an hour early) to go see the ophthalmologist again. this time he was a bit more thorough and i got to say all the things i had concerns about. he even did the proper glaucoma pressure test this time. he gave me an ointment i need to stick in my eye at bedtime and said, again, to come back any time i had concerns. i still don’t really feel like he heard me, though. i may ask my GP to refer me to another guy if things don’t improve. at least i’m not as strung out about the whole situation as i was last week. boy, was i a wreck.
while i was running around pharmacies looking for the eye-gunk, i missed delivery of my Wii. i had even changed my voicemail message (which the door buzzer rings through to) to ask the Canada Post person to please leave any packages by my door, instead of leaving one of those evil parcel notices. alas, he in turn left me a message saying he couldn’t do that because the parcel was marked “do not safe drop”. bleh. well, we all know what i’ll be doing on my way home tonight, right? and when i get home. and all night long. and for the rest of this week…
christopher speculated that my recent surge in popularity (i have three different social engagements this week!) was due solely to people’s knowledge of my impending Wii-ness. he’s probably right. damn leeches! first it’s the couch, now it’s the Wii. people only love me for my stuff! ;)
for some reason, i’ve got myself a killer headache today. maybe it was the 5am wake up to get on the bus in time this morning. it kills me that i have dad’s car this week and there’s this snow fall warning. of course, there’s barely any snow out there, so now i’m crabby that i didn’t drive anyway. mabye i should stop typing and go get myself some more coffee.
have a great day!

10 Thoughts on “sometimes you feel like a nut

  1. Wait…so are you going to have the Wii for tomorrow night or not?
    Uh, not that it would affect our plans. I’m not so totally lame that I’d cancel just because you didn’t have a Wii.
    But you are going to have a Wii, right?

  2. Speaking of the past, I found a letter from you last night written in June, 1996. Now THAT was fun to read. You were so… well, I have to say it, perky!

  3. heather on January 16, 2007 at 14:35 said:


  4. Nothing *that* bad – it was handwritten but just dripped of… perk.

  5. Patella.
    it sounds funny.
    : )

  6. I saw you getting on the seabus today!

  7. heather on January 16, 2007 at 22:13 said:

    why didn’t you say hello?

  8. ‘cuz I was going the other way.. and I don’t *actually* know you!

  9. heather on January 18, 2007 at 09:18 said:

    it would have been a great way to finally meet, though.

  10. Oooh, a seabus full of seamen. Heh. Heh. Heh.
    Yes, I’m 12.

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