don't worry, be happy

world, this is my newest second cousin, nicholas. nicholas, welcome to the internet. ain’t he adorable?
in other, not quite cute as a baby, news my email address has been hijacked by someone spamming virus-laden email. i’ve gotten about six or so bounces from non-existing email addresses and virus software. if i’ve gotten six notifications of incorrect addresses, i can only imagine how many have actually gone through. i’m thoroughly displeased about this. i guess this means i need to change my email address. ugh. i hate changing my email address.
the labour day long weekend is upon us, which means i’m braving bc ferries on the last long weekend of summer. i hope my mother realizes how much i love her to do this.

4 Thoughts on “spam this, mofo

  1. shy me on August 29, 2003 at 10:09 said:


  2. One of the big viruses going around right now involves creating fake “from” lines (I’ve received a few of those failure notices at the work email, when I can tell obviously it was never sent by us) – why would that involve changing your email address?

  3. Heather is right — the SoBig virus that’s going around will do that. If someone whose computer has the virus has your e-mail address in their address book, the virus can put your e-mail addy in the “from” line of spam it sends out from that computer. I’ve been getting several of those “undeliverable mail” and “you have a virus” messages per day lately on my account at home, and it’s a Mac that’s not susceptible to the virus. Don’t change your email address because of that! See for info on the virus.

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