i was good; i really wanted a piece of chocolate, but i ate the rest of my pb&j instead. now i’m picking at the piece of my finger i tried to cut off last night and watching the rain bead up on the window while wishing i didn’t have to stay up to finish my homework instead of curling under the über-blankie and going to sleep without my dinner.
i’m not really fond of people lately. actually, it’s more about not wanting people intruding upon my time. shane emailed me wanting to know if he’d pissed me off because i’d been avoiding his calls all week. i even avoided the run for the cure yesterday (i had a semi-valid medical excuse for that, though). but, i did go help dad with some computer stuff. i’m a good kid.
we got some good news about our negotiations today. hopefully in the next two weeks things will be all settled and i can go spend money! c’mere new computer. come to mamma.
i feel like ass, though. i hope i’m not getting a cold. i’d hate to spend the turkey-day weekend sniffling into my punkin pie.