i'll be on the cruise, one day

happy september! happy back to school! happy increased traffic! happy end of tourist season! happy tuesday morning after three days off!
no, calm down, you don’t have to get the restraints. i’ve not lost it quite yet. it’s probably just the new shoes i’m wearing today which are making some small part of me all giddy inside. unfortunately, the rest of me wishes it were back in bed instead of at work.
my long weekend was lovely, in its own quiet way. mom & i shopped a bit (i tried to spoil her rotten since i won’t be there for her birthday), dropped a wad at the casino, became addicted to computer boggle and watched movies (levity & laurel canyon). it was restful and nice. walter even came out and rubbed against my leg as i was at the computer. he hasn’t done that since i moved away.
i’ve discovered the joy of text messaging with my cell phone. i totally annoyed jeremy while i was on the ferry home and bombarded shane in the evening when his computer went kaput. i even taught mom how to send email to my phone! it’s surprising how fast one can learn to type on a telephone keypad when one really wants to.
this week will be busy-busy at work, i can tell. i also want to try to hook up with shane before he gets overwhelmed with school or i may not see him again until summer! other than that, i need to start putting my site back together. the web host finally replied to my pleas for information and confirmed my suspicion that the data i’d lost is gone for good. bleh. luckily, i’d found a backup which means i’m only missing one week of blog entries & comments, so i’ve just got to recreate images and tweak my site design back to its former glory.
i’ve been doing a lot of thinking about happiness lately. i feel a discussion coming on, but not quite yet. as soon as i have it a little more fleshed out in my head, i would love to share it with you all. what i will tell you is that i’m feeling it quite a bit more now and i’m enjoying it immensely.

One Thought on “sunny days

  1. Yay! Happiness is always good. I know what you mean, though, girlie. Ain’t it nice? :-)

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