good things:
– my total crush on alison
– new cameras
– sleeping until 11:30 on saturday
– cleaning the house
– floating shelves
– pie
– freshly laundered sheets
– music
– yam rolls
– a toilet which flushes every time
– cuddling
– honesty

5 Thoughts on “thankfulness

  1. I hope Christopher shares some of his buttons with you ;)

  2. heather on August 29, 2006 at 14:29 said:

    he did! there’s a ‘holga bitch’ and ‘flickr whore’ on my bag right this very minute.
    we were talking last night about how we both wished there’d been an ‘sx-70 slut’ button in the mix seeing as i just bought myself one at the camera show on the weekend.
    i guess i’ll just have to order one for myself. =)

  3. Glad you like them. I’d semi-retired the sx70 slut one because of the lack of time zero film, but I can always make up some more. If you can think of any other camera taglines let me know – I’d like to expand the collection :)

  4. Honest cuddling amongst the freshly laundered sheets
    The saturday morning lights say 1 1 3 0
    The floating shelves are filled with pies and yam rolls
    New cameras click music to my ears
    The toilet flushes from the other room
    I pad across the clean house to meet her
    poetry a la good things!

  5. heather on August 30, 2006 at 13:15 said:

    i love it, bruce.
    simply love it.

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