just in case any of you have forgotten, i’ve been smoke-free for five months now (or hereabouts as i don’t remember the exact date i stopped smoking but it was near the end of february). five months! that’s an accomplishment of some sort, i’d say… especially considering half my friends smoke like fucking chimneys.

6 Thoughts on “that mighty dragon sadly slipped

  1. Dor on July 29, 2002 at 20:24 said:


  2. what do the other half of your friends smoke like?

  3. how cool..
    I know how hard that can be.. congrats

  4. Congratulations!

  5. Congratulations! I quit smoking (cold turkey) when I found out I was pregnany (6 + yrs ago) I just wish my hubby quit too ::sigh::

  6. <hi five>

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