
geez, people. it wasn’t THAT kind of weekend o’ love. it was three of my favourite people making me feel special and appreciated in honour of my birthday.
friday night, m&m and i went to the pub, sat at the bar, drank beer, played ntn texas hold’em, ate food, laughed, talked, and had a damn fine time. saturday, karen took me out for the biggest, most decadent lunch, a movie, megashopping and then we came back to my place to watch a dvd. sunday, colene took me to the tomahawk for a giant brunch and then we had a lovely walk’n’talk along the north van side of the harbour.
THAT’S the kind of love it was. dirty, dirty people. *tsk*

6 Thoughts on “the colour of my love

  1. theres always next weekend…

  2. Ah, well, that’s still more lovin’ than I got last weekend.

  3. hey thats an awesome shot.

  4. Have M&M become one person, or is one of them just not among your favorite people? ;-)

  5. Yes, there is always next weekend…

  6. YAY i’m a favourite!

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