
i’m not very prose-y this morning, hence the list:
– friday night i ordered pizza and watched tv. yeah, i’m a party girl, all right. i really like the veggie edge from pizza hut, but the centre four pieces are always too soggy for me and i just end up throwing them out. i hate that.
– calgary didn’t win the cup on saturday (that’s okay, they’ll get it tonight), but meg, mark and i were way too drunk to care.
– meghan tried to make me cry.
– mark did make me cry, but in a good way.
cindy will be pleased that i’m one step closer to a dvd player since my dad bought me a new tv for my birthday!
– last night, after dad bought me dinner at swiss chalet, i spent three hours working on the financial files for his club. i love that i can be of assistance to him in some capacity.
– why didn’t anyone tell me that there was so much sound i was missing with my mono television set? everything is so bright and the sound is so full now! it’s like i was blind and deaf before. hallelujah!
– anyone want to buy a perfectly functional (if not cutting edge) sharp 19″ colour tv, zenith vcr and playstation 1? $150 for the whole lot!
– i absolutely LOVED all families are psychotic by douglas coupland. it’s now the book that i think everyone should read.
– two more movies for my list: saved and the terminal
– can i go home now?

6 Thoughts on “the world is flat

  1. Yes, you can go home.

  2. Oh, wait. I’m not your boss. Ne’ermind!

  3. heather on June 7, 2004 at 12:04 said:


  4. hi.. short time lurker, first time poster here.. just curious about the photo.. you mean she’s been in that dress like for 9 months, or are there a few things you’re not telling us?? ;-)

  5. heather on June 8, 2004 at 09:00 said:

    the baby is the bride’s four month old son. silly dave. ;)

  6. woof on June 10, 2004 at 04:52 said:

    re: pizza.
    Two words; Silverstone Pan.
    Or any other non-stick pan worth its salt.
    On medium, using no more oil than provided by
    Pizza (trans-fats aren’t evil — trust us!) Hut, heat
    the pan, crisp up the crusts of those middle four
    pieces. Work with me here — I have this act
    down to a science.
    PS. Two more words; Gas Stove.
    (Yeah, I know. Dream a little dream. Where the hell is my 747?)

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