
last night i did laundry. yeah, i know. i’m a wild woman. but what you don’t know is that i did laundry with method laundry detergent and dryer sheets! mm, method. this is all jodi’s fault. all of it. i take no responsibilty whatsoever. none. zip. nada.
of course, i was both off to a late laundry start (because i’m sloth-girl and some neighbour scooped my washer) so i didn’t get out to buy cereal or drop meghan’s american gifts off like i’d planned. oh well. i can live with eating just one kind of cereal for two days and she’ll just have to wait until after i get home from the island. tonight i’m off to a financial planning/investment strategy seminar with my dad and tomorrow i leave early for the boat. whee!
did you know that dr. phil’s son has a tv show? i think it’s renovate my family or something. i caught a little bit of it while i was programming the vcr to tape the premiere of hawaii (you know me, i’ve got to watch the first episodes of all the new programs). you know, that kid creeps me out. he’s got more hair than his dad, but he’s also got his over-intense eyes that look like he’s always trying to REALLY MAKE A POINT. emphasis eyes. creepy. but don’t worry, i didn’t watch it. jeremy would be so proud.
ooh, i just ordered the tickets for the eternal egypt exhibit and imax film i’m taking my mom to for her bithday in a couple weeks. i love the internet! batten down the hatches, victoria… here we come!
um. yeah. i think the coffee was extra strong this morning. *buzz*
p.s. i’m wearing my cute new underpants and i keep wanting to show people just how damn cute they are. then i realize that showing my underpants might not be the right thing to do at the office. offices are so dumb that way.

7 Thoughts on “tie that woman down

  1. I think a picture of said cute new underpants is in order.
    However, for the sake of your job you might want to take it after work.
    /wondering whether I’d want to work in an office where showing my underpants would be the right thing to do…

  2. Predictably, I’m in favor of the underpants pics, too. But you would expect no less of me.

  3. In the bottom left… are those condoms??
    And, yep, panty pictures would be cool. I get toe socks half the time when I go to Target, never got underpanties there.

  4. Wait, Bellingham, WA? I didn’t realize that was close enough to be a single evening excursion for you. :(

  5. fizzgig on September 2, 2004 at 20:04 said:

    Hongcouver is right on the boarder basicly :p

  6. eek gads.. its a mob scene… oh what the mention of cute underpants will do to otherwise civilized people?

  7. (the other)Heather on September 3, 2004 at 05:32 said:

    I knew where Vancouver was, it was Bellingham that threw me. I thought it was a much longer drive.

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