my camera won’t turn on.
i really hope it’s just the battery.
i won’t cry until i know for sure.

4 Thoughts on “tragedy

  1. ahhhhh! i can’t believe it! what happened? i wonder if our cameras are having the same problem. luckily, my camera is being sent to richmond (not toronto) and apparently they have hired a new person to work through some of the backlog. 4-5 weeks still though.
    i feel your pain. really, i do. i have been heartsick for a week now without my baby.
    hey, you can always buy a d70s from ld and then return it two weeks later…we’re thinking about it.

  2. heather on September 12, 2005 at 12:09 said:

    i was just out at lunch to buy some fruit & veggies at the farm market near work and i decided that i’d *finally* take a picture of this neat pile of rock cores they have there. i pulled my camera from the bag (where it’s been since friday morning, as it usually is, all of the time), flicked the switch and looked through the viewfinder to see dark fuzz. i thought maybe i’d turned it off instead of on, so i flicked the switch the other way. dark fuzz. then i looked at the display. nothing. i took the battery out and put it back in. nothing. i took the card out and put it back in. no green light flash.
    i won’t know if it’s just the battery until i get home tonight. i really hope it’s just the battery. please, let it be just the battery.

  3. I feel your pain/anxiety. I am sending you good vibes with the hope that it is just the battery! :)

  4. (Hopefully) the same thing happened with my cubiclemate a few months ago. She got nuthin’ when she turned on her D70 one day, and she was really worried. She phoned a bunch of people that night to say that it had just been the battery used up completely.
    I notice that the battery dies really quickly if it’s been turned on and plugged into the computer for an hour or so. It scared me too, but now I know to turn it off as soon as it’s done.

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