
ugh. TAIP is back. remember her?
i don’t know if i mentioned that she’s been gone since two working days after i took over her old job. yes, you did the math right, that’s just shy of eleven months. eleven months! almost a year for me to alternately seethe and despair over what she left me. no one knew why she was gone, either. oh, there were rumors. i don’t think i started any, but i’m pretty sure i helped perpetuate a couple.
hey, nobody ever accused me of being a nice person.
anyway, i’m really torn about this situation. part of me wants her to come by my office and see all the great things which have changed for the better since she left me with all that crap last year so i can gloat. another part of me wants to avoid her completely until either she retires or suffers another long term malady. yet another part of me wants to find her and break her tiny, ineffectual frame into little, itty-bitty pieces.
in the meantime, i’m actively pursuing option two: avoidance. she actually tried to phone me today. for what reason, i can’t even fathom, but i’m so glad i have call display on my phone so i could ignore it.
regardless, i can’t do anything about her being back, so i guess i’ll just have to deal. gah. i hate her with a blinding fury. i need to find my office voodoo doll and do her some psychic damage. maybe that’ll make me feel better.

One Thought on “trouble in paradise

  1. It’s almost like an ex-boyfriend hanging around. How annoying. I say, get the voodoo doll out and have some fun ;)

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