i was just sitting here, chin in hand, clicking and waiting and clicking again through the morning routine, my eyes heavy, my face slack, without even the small amount of energy needed to reach mere inches to take hold of my coffee in hopes it could wake me when my eyes wandered to the little time display in the corner of my computer screen and i realized just how ridiculous is it to be up, out of bed, dressed and actually be expected to be productive at 7:45 in the morning.

6 Thoughts on “ugh

  1. Speaking of morning misery, you want to know what bites the big one? They are making major changes to bus schedules in Worcester starting on Saturday. Through the end of this week, I’ve had two options: leave my house at 7:38 to get the bus that would get me downtown for 8am (usually a minute or two earlier) and be half an hour early, or leave the house at 8:08 for the bus to get me downtown for 8:30 (which is usually a minute or two late) and be just on time to a few minutes late.
    As of Saturday, I have two choices: leave at 8:13 to get downtown for 8:35 always at least 5 minutes late, OR… leave at 7:23 to get downtown at 7:45 and be 45 freaking minutes early each day.
    Who the hell came up with this?!
    Okay, now this takes the cake… I just went to the website showing the new schedules to double check my times, and they are showing totally different info now. I dn’t have to be so early – but there’s no way I can meet Rowan’s bus. This is just not my week.

  2. Go tell the WRTA how much they suck: http://www.therta.com

  3. I hate when people at work start asking me questions before 9am and my 2nd cup of coffee. They won’t get a very coherent answer…

  4. oh geez…that is terrible. I feel really guilty with my 10am start :)
    I was walking to work the other day and someone asked me for directions then asked me if I was a student. I said “No, actually, I work fulltime”. Then he looks at his watch and tells me “oh, kinda late isn’t it?”… hey! mind your own business! :)

  5. fizzgig on January 28, 2006 at 00:56 said:

    hmm… half the time I have to start work at 8 am…. but the other half I start at 3 pm. bit of a swingshift… but I like the flexable hours… then again I’m working 75+ hours a week for next to peanuts considering…. so…. I’ll trade ya ;)

  6. if I tell you the endless “work” of my day typically has a roaring start at 6:00 am and doesnt end until I go to bed at 10, would it make you feel any better?
    Motherhood of 2 under 2 has its joys, but the hours can suck!

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