well, i didn’t get the turkey bacon. i didn’t do laundry. i did watch lots of television. i did eat broccoli (it wasn’t officially on the list). i did go to bed after will & grace, even though i didn’t really watch it. another wasted evening. whee.
i woke at 5:23am and didn’t roll over and go back to sleep. instead, i got up, got ready and was at work thirty-five minutes early. my dad walked in a couple of minutes ago and said “what brought you here so early? guilty conscience?” gee, thanks dad.
today, we’re going out for lunch to the thai place, then i think we’re ordering chinese at meghan’s tonight. grease! mmm! oddly, i’m disappointed that i won’t be able to make fajitas at home. oh well, i can do that on saturday.
i have a bone to pick with spice bottlers. there’s a recipe i want to try that has tumeric and curry in it. i’m familiar with neither of these spices. so, i’m looking at the bottles of spices in the grocery store and they’re over five bucks apiece. i mean, that’s a lot of coin to drop on something you don’t even know if you’ll like, let alone use again. yeah, i know i could buy some from the bulk bins, but then i’ll have a million little baggies floating around in my cupboard and that just looks tacky. plus, spices don’t keep that well that way. the real kicker was that i turned around and saw a 2.2 POUND (1 kg) bag of tumeric for half the price of the itsy-little bottle of tumeric!! see? it’s all a scam.
I bought a dozen or so cinnamon sticks in an Asian market for 99 cents. In the grocery story you’re lucky to get 3 sticks for 3 dollars or so. It’s all about where you buy it.