ever have one of those nights where you never really fall asleep? where you’re either too hot or too cold, never just right? where the pillows are lumpy and uncomfortable? where your usually cozy blanket just feels wrong and twisted around your body? where every noise you usually snooze through wrings you out of whatever shallow slumber you’ve acquired? where each time you look at the clock your heart sinks just a little lower than the time before until the alarm starts bleeping at you and your responsibilities require you to get out of bed regardless of not coming to close to accomplishing what it was you’re supposed to have while in it all night?
yeah, it sucks.

2 Thoughts on “unfun

  1. Add “where you keep waking up because you’re inhaling your own nasal discharges and having ot have massive coughing fits” and you described my night to a T!

  2. i had that same night night beofre last, didn’t fall asleep until 7am. and of course every time i got up to ponder my situation, the calico cat got all excited “it’s moring! it’s morning!” and tore all over the house.
    well, that part was pretty cute, and it’s a pretty special feeling to have the happiest moments of another being’s life just you getting out of bed, but it wears thin in the veriwee hours.

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