i think i managed to upgrade movable type without breaking much stuff.
please to be reporting any errors and don’t mock the stock template. things will change eventually. i hope.

4 Thoughts on “voila!

  1. *hahahahaha* That was supposed to be “likey”. ;-P

  2. (that other) Heather on February 22, 2009 at 18:18 said:

    Can you still post to the old one? ’cause I almost missed this since it broke the RSS feed – you might want to let your stalkers know they have to move to keep track of you. ;-)

  3. heather on February 22, 2009 at 19:04 said:

    there you go… i left a note on the newly defunct rss feeds to point them to the correct one.
    bring on the stalkers!

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