Ah the pressures to write. As if I don’t have enough troubles on my own blog, now I’m trying to come up with something that won’t bore Miss Hessie’s lovely readers. No one here wants to read my rants on fashion atrocities and reckless drivers.
Instead, I will ask questions that have been floating around in my head. I don’t really want an answers to them (as there aren’t really answers), as much as I want to fling them out into the world:
Why is it so easy to see others clearly but not yourself?
Why must I constantly screw round pegs into square holes and then scream at myself because it doesn’t fit?
Why does it feel good to press an emotional bruise when I know it will deliver a sharp pain?
What is the fascination with Desperate Housewives?

3 Thoughts on “Where did it all go wrong?

  1. Emma on April 7, 2005 at 09:01 said:

    These are good questions.
    – why is it that some people venture into solititude to greater seek themselves and God,…yet why do we have to go into isolotation to do this?
    –why is it that we can be surrounded by people but still feel a sense of lonliness?
    –why is the end of college so hard? Its wanting it to be over, yet knowing whats coming up will be hard too? How do I reconcile this?
    -How come we all want to be better people, everyday-yet seem to grow comfortable in our ways?

  2. Why must I constantly screw round pegs into square holes and then scream at myself because it doesn’t fit?
    Poor shape recognition? Unless you were talking metaphorically.. then, I don’t know.

  3. Anna on April 7, 2005 at 12:05 said:

    the transcendental question about desperate housewives has confused me…i would really love to get an answer for that.
    and there is one question that has been floating in my mind for some time, namely: why do i miss someone i have never met?
    because really, it feels strange.

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