You could be considering an impulsive purchase of an item for your home. In some cases, you might even be considering a change of residence. Before you do anything rash, ask yourself what your real motivations are. Will you really improve anything?

how’d they know about that? freaky.

3 Thoughts on “whoa.

  1. Uh… considering an impulsive buy for the home or moving… who is NOT considering these at some point? Besides, if it’s an “impulsive” purchase for the home, how can you be “considering” it?
    BTW, Dor, I have found new respect for you ;)

  2. Dor is my hero.

  3. All I want is to be able to read the comments.
    And…world peace.
    Screw that, world peace is overrated. Peaceful comments are not.

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