i’m picking up my glasses on the way home! just call me hessie four-eyes! if i had a webcam i could take pictures. but, i don’t. although, maybe i’ll buy one!

4 Thoughts on “woohoo!

  1. TheMonkey on June 15, 2001 at 11:45 said:

    Where is dangerman with first post?
    Oh, hey 4-i’s, one week and one day. Are you about to pee on yourself?

  2. heather on June 15, 2001 at 11:51 said:

    *looks down*
    already did.

  3. paige on June 15, 2001 at 13:32 said:

    You’re still stunning, though.

  4. heather on June 15, 2001 at 13:41 said:

    aww, shucks.
    *digs toe into dry section of carpet*

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