i don’t mean to bust in on paige’s schtick, but this word of the day was just too fitting to the weblog/journalling community that i couldn’t help but share it:
idiolect (ID-ee-uh-lekt) noun Language usage pattern unique to a person.
“See the unique way you put words together? That’s your idiolect: your personal dialect. That’s your language; no one else has it.”
Chris Redgate, The Red Pencil, The Washington Post, May 17, 2001.
[via awad]

3 Thoughts on “word of the day

  1. iain on August 17, 2001 at 08:20 said:

    oo, takes me back to my days studying linguistcs. now if only people could learn the difference between accent and dialect, the world will be a better place. or at least less annoying and more informed. :)

  2. heather on August 17, 2001 at 08:45 said:

    *i* know the difference!

  3. (the shorter)Heather on August 17, 2001 at 12:53 said:

    Dialect is the words used and accent is the way they’re pronounced, no?

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