
i got shy and couldn’t bring myself to sleep without window coverings, so i tacked up a blue bedsheet over the window. yes, i am totally white trash chic, thank you.
i’ve been thinking about getting curtains in my bedroom to both warm up the feel of the room and to help block more light (dark! bedrooms must be completely dark!). these past two nights with the big blue sheet up have confirmed that i need to get a move on in that direction. my biggest problem is that i can’t decide what colour curtains. i want something warm and rich and cozy, but i don’t want to totally match it to my bedsheets because then what will i do when i want a new duvet cover? get new curtains? i don’t think so. any help would be appreciated. i’m teh suck at home decorating.
last night i photowandered around a cool part of town with jamie after work. we ran into a vandigicamr, found another bottle of jones soda with my photo on the label and then ate too many fries at white spot while trying not to act suspicious next to a table full of cops (at least *i* was trying). then jamie was a good boy-friend (not to be confused with boyfriend or bf) and filled up my car’s tires with air. he mocked me for it being something i hate doing myself, but he still went ahead and did it. now THAT’S true friendship, i tell you.
unfortunately, with the combination of pilates class and all the walking in my steel-toed shoes, my body is tres sore today. plus, i woke up with a headache which just sucks regardless of the day. in ten minutes, i’m going to finally phone and make an appointment for a massage. cross your fingers i’ll get in tomorrow so i don’t have to spend the weekend all knotted up.

4 Thoughts on “wow, words.

  1. Oooh, massage. I couldn’t concentrate on anything else once I saw that.
    Oh, yes, curtains. How about white or cream (depending on the paint, etc.) curtains with one of those long flowing scarfy things in a color that matches the current duvet cover – much easier to replace a long piece of fabric than the whole of the curtains.
    (Then again, white curtains don’t do much for blocking light, unless they’re like shower curtains, and plastic curtains are tackier than bedsheet curtains!)
    You could just get the long scarfy swaggy thing and a nice wrought (sp?) iron pole, and drape it dramatically around and have it flowing down – again, doesn’t do ANYthing for the light, but easy to change on a whim.

  2. shy me on September 21, 2005 at 15:24 said:

    that’s all i feel like saying.

  3. I think a dark red velvet curtain would do for the current “look”, but go for something more neutral in a rich fabric if you want to keep your options open :)

  4. I second burgandy.

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