if i were to start posting daily digests of my witty, amusing, thoughtful and creative twitter tweets here on ye olde blog, would those of you who read both my website and my twitter be annoyed with the duplication? please leave me a comment with your answer. if it is a truly unwanted idea, i will scrap it. thanks a bunch!

6 Thoughts on “your feedback is requested

  1. Jeremy on October 24, 2008 at 18:52 said:

    Annoyed, yes. I can’t stand it when people repost their twitter feeds to their blogs.

  2. Another vote against. If there are people who read your blog who don’t follow you on Twitter, I suspect they’re not going to be interested in your tweets. For those of us who read both, it would just be annoying.
    I’m not sure what the purpose of putting your tweets here would be…To serve as an archive of your tweets outside of Twitter’s? To create a feeling that you’re generating blog content without having to write a longer post? ;)

  3. I don’t Twitter so I don’t follow people even though I like Twitter, so I’d like it :) (Just to be different from the other two votes I guess)

  4. sorry, i’m voting no, mostly because it’d be annoying.

  5. Julie on October 28, 2008 at 08:46 said:

    i thought about it. i don’t read your twitter so i wouldn’t be annoyed by duplication. i’d be worried that you would post your writing here even less.

  6. I was always of the opinion that Twitter was the correct place for the short, random blogposts of yore. It’s like, finally there’s a place to put all the posts that read, “Having coffee, not looking forward to work.” Or “Ugh, it’s snowing!” Or “Getting ready to go out tonight.” Blogs can be what you want them to be, but with Twitter, I see them more as a place for thoughtful, extended narratives. Maybe Twitter raises the blog bar for me.
    I post my Tweets on my blog, but in a separate section from regular posts. Since I blog inconsistently, I can still generate some “current” content for anyone who drops by (lame, but hey I’ll take it). I do know bloggers who incorporate Tweets into the regular blog feed, and I don’t know why, unless at some point you expand on a Tweet or explain something, or regularly blog around them.
    I view blogs as personal internet real estate, so you can do what you like. I wouldn’t be annoyed. I would, however, still come back for your regular writing, and just skip over the Tweets. (which makes me wonder if there’s a way to keep the Tweets out of the RSS… if I subscribed to the RSS, I might be annoyed, but only mildly)

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