since i need a reason to blog more and november seems to be the randomly picked month to write as much as you possibly can no matter how bad it might be — just write, dammit! it’s november! — i’ve decided to try to post something every day this month.
oh shut up. i can hear you snickering.
i know, i know… my blogging record for the past couple of years is lacklustre at best, but hey, if i can post for thirty days in a row, that’s pretty much my quota for the rest of the next twelve months and i can just slack off as soon as december arrives. ;)
besides, if i’m really strapped for content i can just save up all my tweets and post them at the end of the day as some random 140-character-at-a-time train of thought melange!
here’s to the blogging!

2 Thoughts on “nablopomo!

  1. Congratulations!
    Or, at least, that’s what I will say if you get to the end of November and have made 30 substantial posts to your blog and not just recycled Twitter content. You already have a Tweets sidebar!

  2. Yay NaBloPoMo! I, too, am doing this. Well, I haven’t actually committed, but I have blogged so far each day this month. This may even continue. We will see ;)

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