in eight months i’ve managed to increase my net worth (or decrease my negative value) by over six and a half thousand dollars. i find that kind of insane.
it was accomplished through a combination of accelerated debt payment and regimented savings, but i’m still shocked at how fast that line on the graph has been going up. that is one of the reasons i’m seriously leaning towards ditching my lemony car and becoming a pedestrian. that line will practically skyrocket out of the red!
now that i think about it, i’ve not had a single day since turning 20 years old when i wasn’t in debt; when my net worth wasn’t less than zero. i think i should have a “positive net worth party” when i’m finally worth something — monetarily, that is.

3 Thoughts on “upward trending

  1. Wow, that is super-awesome! I may need to make a graph of some sort. It seems so much more satisfying than just seeing numbers in a spreadsheet.

  2. Depending on how extravagant that party is, you may have to have another party a few months later, and a few months later, etc. etc.

  3. you’re already worth somethin’ quite expensive! /sap

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