i drove to work today.
now, before y’all get your panties in a twist, i have a perfectly valid and reasonable explanation for this turn of events: my dad is going on a cruise.
i can almost hear all of you cocking your head to one side, thinking “huh?”.
you see, when my father goes away for one of his expensive and awesome vacations, i get the use of his car. this started when i still had the Geo and he refused to ride in it when i drove him to the airport (actually, it started in early 1990 before i even had a car of my own; but, i digress). i’d drive him in his vehicle and he’d just let me keep it while he was gone. now, it’s a tradition of sorts. dad takes a trip, i get to drive the nice car.
this week was to be a real-world test of what it would be like for me to not own a car. if i didn’t own a car, damn skippy i’d take his and use it at every opportunity! therefore, i don’t see any reason why i should feel bad for doing so.
okay, so it’s a little bit cop-out-y, but hey! would you turn down the use of the car with power steering, remote door locks and brand-new transmission if it were handed to you on a silver platter? besides, it’s supposed to be all stormy the next few days. you wouldn’t want me to get wet, catch a chill and then die of H1N1, would you?
i didn’t think so.
so… road trip, anyone?

3 Thoughts on “car-free week: day four

  1. *rolls eyes*

  2. Jeremy on November 5, 2009 at 11:39 said:

    Choosing to not own a car doesn’t mean that you’re never again allowed to drive a car. That’s just silly.

  3. I was wondering what car you were thinking about using to go down to another country to buy underpants.

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