so, after a bet with my friend Nelson, i finally jumped on the formspring bandwagon.  i didn’t think i’d get many questions, but there have been more than a few and all of them quite thought-provoking and interesting to answer.  below is my most recent, and quite possibly, most favourite asked so far:

What is the secret to a happy life?
i don’t profess to know the secret to a happy life, but i do believe that the secret to being happy with yourself is to stop caring what other people think. as i’ve gotten older and lived a little more, i look back at my anxious and unhappy teens and twenties with a lot of regret. i spent so much time trying to impress everyone else because i didn’t know how to be me. just me. as i am.
let it go. all of it. that little thing which sent you into a spiral of rage, frustration and stress? not so important in the big scheme of things. someone didn’t invite you to a party? then it’s their loss, because you’re probably way better company than they know. drop your brand new iphone in the toilet? well, that’s what insurance is for. whatever it is, it probably isn’t the end of the world seeing as the world still seems to be here after all this time.
find something every day to wonder about. not just think or ponder, wonder. be amazed. be fascinated. find the joy in it and just… wonder!
get enough sleep. do everything in your power to give yourself the best night’s rest you can muster. without good sleep, all the rest of your life will crumble because your mind and body haven’t been able to do its work to keep you healthy and whole.
love and let yourself be loved. i don’t mean just romantically, either. surround yourself with the people you care about. love them for who they are, even when you recognize their flaws and issues. let them love you, each in their own way. everyone has a different way of showing they care, learn and accept how each person in your life shows their love for you and accept it. don’t try to force them to change their ways to suit your expectations.
do the things which bring you joy. everyone has something that they can do which makes them happy. one of my things is having a clean and tidy home. for someone else, it might be going running or seeing a new movie or buying a new pair of shoes or eating a fabulous meal. whatever it is, do it.
believe that you deserve to be happy. all of the tips and instructions and stuff and people and jobs in the world won’t bring you a happy life if you don’t believe you deserve it. manifest destiny, baby. if you think you only deserve bad things, that’s what you’ll bring to yourself. trust that you’re a good person and you have the right to be joyous.

so… is there anything you want to ask me?

One Thought on “ask and tell

  1. I ♥ your answer to this question. :-D

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