i’m highly emotional today.
i just started crying when my boss told me something about the next couple weeks at work. christopher made a matter-of-fact statement and i interpreted it as a snark at me personally. i feel very delicate.
it’s like i need to either go sob like a baby for ten minutes or go out and get fucking plastered tonight after work. maybe i’ll do both.
then again, i probably won’t do either.

6 Thoughts on “bad day.

  1. If you haven’t already, check your email.

  2. andrea on August 18, 2006 at 13:59 said:

    Bad day-ers unite.
    *buys hessie a mojito*
    (I cried at work today too)

  3. Hormones, maybe? I’m a girl so I’m allowed to suggest that.
    Many hugs your way. Have some comfort-fun tonight.

  4. *HUG* No, no… we should get plastered.

  5. I vote for doing both!

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