it’s done! i paid off the visa today! woohoo!
and, thanks to an early present from my mom, i actually have a tiny wee bit of disposable income to tide me through until payday next week. SCORE!
sometimes, you actually do get rewarded by the universe for sacrifices you make in your life.
phew… it feels SO GOOD to see that zero balance. i think i might need a cigarette. ;)

5 Thoughts on “big news!

  1. Congratulations! That must feel awesome :)

  2. you rock! but of course, you already do….so you REALLY rock ;)

  3. I don’t know. If you don’t make purchases on your Visa, you can’t win one of those “get everything you purchased on your Visa free!” contests. You know the ones where they show the numbers falling off of the statements, or resetting to zero?
    For that alone, I think you should run up the bill again. Free stuff!

  4. Congrats, Heather! Yay!

  5. What a fabulous Christmas gift to yourself… Sweet! You must feel *so* relieved. I remember when I paid off all my credit cards (my dumbassed ex-husband was a spender) and man, that was such a relief.

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