
i’m still feeling guilty for forgetting to turn off my alarm clock before i went to the island this weekend. my poor neighbours had to hear my alarm BLEEP BLEEP BLEEPing for half an hour starting at six a.m. both saturday and sunday mornings. then i remember the eastern europeans and their drunken folksong-singing party the other week and the urgent sex-having upstairs neighbours and i don’t feel so bad anymore.
so, i have this sexy new cell phone with all these free minutes which i’ll never use and i’m starting to think i might have to solicit phone calls from people who want to talk with me. mostly i just think it’s bloody cool when the phone vibrates when it rings. so make it ring, dammit! please.

4 Thoughts on “[bleep]

  1. See…I would have gone with “Talk to the hand” for your photo’s title tag. But then that’s just me :)

  2. I looked quick and thought it was fire. I wondered what the heck was behind the door!

  3. you mean, you’d actually *answer* the phone?!

  4. heather on August 9, 2005 at 15:01 said:

    yes! i know it’s hard to imagine, but i really mean it this time.

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