i have a feeling i’m going to find myself very popular over the next couple of weeks. the hoards are gathering at the gates awaiting the impending arrival of the dread twins of tabby. gillian has threatened to show up at midnight saturday night/sunday morning — further confused by the time change taking place tomorrow — but, i know it’s an empty threat as transit options from marpole are sketchy at best at that time of night.

otherwise, i’m all cat-prepped. i hope.

i’m actually a little scared and intimidated. this cat procurement has been vastly different from all my others. my first cat was picked, named and brought home by my mom. my next cat adopted me after my third and last budgie flew out a window. the third cat showed up one day and just never left. my last cat was a be-ribboned gift from my boss’ son three days after my first cat passed away. these cats? i’ve been waiting for these cats for twelve years. that’s a long-ass time by anyone’s standards.

ever since i moved out on my own, i’ve wanted a cat. in my first apartment, it was verboten by the german landlords. in this apartment, it was technically not allowed, even though it seemed that everyone else in the building had one. but, being as i am, i didn’t want to risk detection and eviction by sneaking one in without permission. then there were the screens to ensure kitty didn’t decide that the second floor was a perfectly jump-able height to go after Little Black Squirrel or friendly neighbour cat. plus, i have this really nice red leather couch i wouldn’t much enjoy watching get shredded.

but, as shan keeps telling me: i need a cat. every time i visit friends with cats, i get a little jealous and a little sad. i know it’s a big, double-decade commitment, but there’s just so much good that comes from making yourself into the devoted slave of a feline. and i can’t wait for our adventure to begin!

i just really hope they leave my couch alone.

One Thought on “bring on the kibble

  1. i’m coming sunday. it’ll be at a decent hour :)

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