
my sleeping patterns are getting really wonky and i’m starting to get concerned that the time change this weekend will only exacerbate it. the night before last, i woke up at 1:21 a.m. completely awake and ready to go. it took about an hour or so for me to fall entirely back asleep (and then i was haunted by freaky dreams about having a baby). this morning, i woke up at 5 a.m. on the button and debated getting up or trying to get some more sleep. i finally gave up about 5:30 and started getting ready for the day.
this is just not good. i hate it when i’m in a weird sleep phase. it totally messes up my biorhythms. my über-social week will only serve to compound this, i’m sure. it’s probably a good thing i have nothing on the docket for saturday so i can recuperate. that being said, hopefully it will be a nice day in case i feel the need to wander around the neighbourhood taking photos.
by the way, i need to say that i’m not liking this season of the amazing race very much. part of the usual draw of the show is the teams travelling to strange and exotic places. up until last night, the families have only been running around the states. then there’s the addition of the family dynamics. you know what? people treat their families like shit, if these people are any example. then they say “sorry, i love you” at the pit stop as if that makes up for all the vicious behaviour while they were on the run. it reminds me of just how vile i was to my mother when i was a teenager. i’m honestly surprised she didn’t kill me. anyway, i can’t wait until the next *real* amazing race starts. that’s when i can get excited about seeing phil keoghan every week. mm, phil.

2 Thoughts on “buck up, cowboy

  1. I have yet to watch an episode of the Amazing Race this season – the ads make it look way too much like the kind of reality TV I don’t like.

  2. They’ve already spent way too much time in the states… what’s up with that? Even the racers commented on finally getting to leave the country…and then only to Panama. But in general I’m still digging the show. Going with families was a next logical extension, instead of just doing the same thing for yet another season. Maybe they’ll pair two strangers next season?

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