amy is a jumping cat. she leaps and twists in the air and even when she doesn’t land on all four feet, she always gets up to jump some more. she also likes to follow me around the house. she doesn’t often want to interact with me, but if i get up to go somewhere, it’s not long before she rounds a corner just to check up on me. amy loves to chase crumpled up paper balls. she two-paws them around the living room and down the hall, occasionally dropping down on top of them and growling low in her throat. amy is the skinny sister. she’s long and lean and soft and pliable. she lets me pick her up and turn her over without a fuss. i can stretch her out or curl her up and she’s content to humour me until… then she bats at my fingers with her soft little paws, hardly ever using her claws, but oftentimes using her teeth. she likes to nibble, that one; but, never hard. just enough to show she’s fearsome. amy is also curious. she’s always looking around for something to discover. she curled up in the cables under my desk. she jumped up to the shelf with the photo frames. she lays down on top of my mac mini. she climbs up the back of my desk chair. she sits in the sink and plays with a trickle of tap water. she perches on the windowsill. she walks around the toilet as i’m using it. she inspects everything i eat before i can. at night, she likes to crawl under the covers and curl up beside me for a while. not a long while, but it’s enough. it’s sweet and i scritch her chin and tell her she’s a good kitty.
rose is an observing cat. she likes to sit on a chair or the couch and nap. she sits in front of the sliding door and watches everything going on outside. she gets very excited when a squirrel visits the balcony. she loves the laser pointer and will run around until she stops and pants with her mouth open. she mews when you wake her up with a pat and a scratch. she’s the fat sister. when her sister swoops in and steals her toy she will hiss at her. rose will sometimes hold up her previously-injured paw like it still hurts and that makes me sad. she will sleep with me almost all night and take up half the bed by stretching out and showing her spotted belly. she likes to eat the small pull on my bedside lamp. she jumps into the bathtub after i’ve had a shower and licks up the water drops. rose hates closed doors and will try with all her might to get her paws under one in hopes of opening it. she’s a talker, when she wants to be, and will sometimes hold a full conversation. once in a while, she gets very affectionate and rubs up against my legs and will jump up to head-butt my hands. she doesn’t like cuddling or being picked up very much, but if i hold her like a baby i can get her to stay a little while longer by giving her her tail to nibble on. rose loves to chase toes under a blanket and will hop four-footed across the mattress to get at them. rose likes to lay beside me on the couch while i watch tv, especially if i have a blanket overtop me. her purr is rattly and loud and makes the whole bed vibrate.

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