i got a christmas present today!
it’s a chocolate brown microfibre ottoman, just like i put on my wish list. yay! more importantly, along with the cozy ottoman came a visit with my long, lost best friend. double yay! it wasn’t very lengthy, but it was nice to actually see her for the first time since december. i officially put it out there that she and her husband should come over to play Wii. i know that’ll provide some very tempting incentive to get her taller half over. hopefully, she’ll come along, too!
the day was a long one. i felt awful and off for most of it. i definitely would have come home well before lunch if i hadn’t had a meeting to attend in the afternoon. just my luck that over half the attendees either forgot, were on vacation or got called away to other, more important, appointments. i stuck it out for no good reason! how awful is that?
people are scary. i wish they weren’t so.

2 Thoughts on “christmas in april

  1. I could be wooed by a Wii. Just sayin’ ;)

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