a pretty plate

so, after all that angst, the sun came out, friends came over, i got spoiled and i made it through to the other side.
i knew i would, but when i wrote last, i was neck-deep in all the things which were conspiring to break me down. a little rest, a lot of fun, a bunch of kisses and a surprise present all helped to heal my weary heart.
did you know that girls and food on a Saturday afternoon make for a really bloody good time? well, they do! i had invited some of my more craftily talented female friends over to Chez Hessie for some appies and making of cute things. not everyone could make it, but i think those who did had a good time. it was awesome for me for a lot of reasons, but it gave me a chance to get to know Brigette, Miranda and Kimli a little better. it’s hard to make new friends when you’re in your *cough*late*cough* thirties, so it was good for me to branch out some. i’m horribly bad at it, so i was pleased it all seemed to go so well. Kimli even brought a totally new-to-me person, Shan! yay!
after many hours of snacks and crafts, my boy showed up and i think the sudden shock of testosterone unsettled things, because it wasn’t long after that everyone made their exits. after they left, and i vacuumed up some teeny pieces of lightbulb, i stood in my suddenly empty living room and couldn’t believe it was after ten o’clock. the day just FLEW by! i suppose that means i had fun.
yesterday, Christopher and i drove out to Squamish. it was such a gorgeous day, i’m glad we got out for an awesome drive. Liselotte behaved while we took all the crazy turns along the Sea to Sky. Chris wasn’t very impressed with downtown Squamish, though. we tried to have lunch at The Chieftain, but the barkeep told us they didn’t even make half the items on the tiny menu so he directed us down the street a ways where we had a fairly decent lunch sitting beside three RCMP officers.
btw, whenever i’m near cops i totally want to stare at them. is that wrong? will they arrest me?
not very funny at all story: arriving home Friday night, my answering machine was flashing. i pressed the button and we started listening to a message from my Knee Surgeon. “hi, this is so-and-so from Dr. Richmond’s office calling about your appointment next Thursday at 9:30am. we have to reschedule” — this is where i felt my blood pressure rising dramatically, thinking “oh, no, they didn’t!” — “to 2:20 that afternoon.” phew! that receptionist has no idea how close she was to one irate Heather. so, yeah. surgeon this week. yay!

4 Thoughts on “estrogen roolz!

  1. I just figured out what happened with my blog…you’re still pointing to the old web address. :-)

  2. Oh yeah…and thanks for the estrogen time! :-D I had fun!

  3. Thanks for having us! Was a fantastic time and much needed. Sorry for making a lightbulb mess ;)

  4. Kristine on June 11, 2009 at 20:51 said:

    Heather… you had lunch at the Chieftain?? Would not have been my first choice for a Squamish Restaurant *LOL* Were you a fan of “Men in Trees” by any chance? They loved filming there. I can’t say I remember the last time I ate there! Even on my visits back to Squamish over the years *LOL*
    Yianni’s Taverna is a good Greek place in Downtown Squamish, I use to love that place!… miss it now that I have moved away. I still crave the deep fried won tons with sweet & sour sauce from Lotus Gardens, and the best chocolate comes from Xocolatl, they make them on site so they are SO fresh. I always had good food at the Howe Sound Inn & Brewing Company as well. Then of course if you venture up the Highway to Garibaldi Highlands or the industrial area there are lots of other options there too. ;)

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