
since i got nominated for ‘best photo/art blog’ i figured i better put up a photo. i actually scanned a roll of film last night. somebody call ripley’s! i really need to catch up on the scanning. i still have something like ten rolls to do before i can get the five rolls of exposed film sitting on my desk developed. two of those rolls are from the pinholga and my newest camera, the brownie hawkeye, which i’d really like to see. i guess i better get a move on. le sigh.
in other, more serious news, do you or anyone you know need a futon? i wanted it to be a surprise, but i found myself a big-girl couch on the weekend! yay! it’s superawesome and i can’t wait to get it (delivery is on the 30th), but before that happens i really need to get rid of the futon. it’s still in really good shape and i only want $75 for it. please, if you know of anyone who might be interested, let me know or give them my email address. it has to be gone by the 29th or it’s taking a midnight trip to the back alley. photos available upon request.
most of the men in my life are sick right now: my boyfriend, my dad, my officemate. i’m wondering if this particular strain of plague only attacks those of the y-chromosomal persuasion. wouldn’t that be evil (where evil means “really, really funny”)? because i’m awesome like that, on my lunch break i’ll take christopher the tea i bought for him last night. i offered to bring dad some soup last night, but he refused. sean’s back at work today, which is good because i really didn’t want to do his job again.
the weekend is filling up! friday night is an exhibit opening at the presentation house gallery. saturday is the decemberists show at the commodore. sunday, i’ll have to do all the stuff i didn’t have time for on friday or saturday. seriously, why are weekends so damn short?
oh, speaking of, mom and i both survived her trip over from the island. she got to meet christopher & jen and a whole bunch of my co-workers whose names she’ll never remember. we ate indian & thai food, shopped at daiso and had a busy, but good visitlet (30 hours doesn’t really make a proper visit). surprisingly, the weather fully cooperated with her time on this side of the water, too! now that she knows how easy it is to make the trip, i think she’ll want to do it more often. eek! ;)

2 Thoughts on “fill in the blank

  1. I don’t read my comic books these days, but one that’s great is called Y: The Last Man ( It begins with a plague that more or less instantly kills every male mammal on the planet with the exception of one man and one monkey. It’s a pretty fascinating tale.

  2. Shale Lerren on November 16, 2006 at 14:53 said:

    Re: the Futon – if you can’t find a willing recipient, try – you’ll likely get the price you want.

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