the worst part is that i know he doesn’t even give me a second thought.

12 Thoughts on “i am an idiot.

  1. boys named jason are bad. universally speaking. i’ve dated four of them, been impregnated by two, and stalked by one. ignored by the other. were you talking about someone named jason? :)

  2. (the shorter)Heather on February 14, 2001 at 20:38 said:

    SEE!!! Even Paige agrees with the universal don’t-fall-for-Jasons rule!

  3. Fizzgig(aka jason) on February 15, 2001 at 02:33 said:

    Woah.. wait a sec. Falling? Who’s falling… there will be no falling. There has been no talk about falling. Thou shalt not fall. Wtf is up with Feb 14th an u women anyway. Dont scare me now..

  4. heather on February 15, 2001 at 07:16 said:

    now *that* brought him out of hiding.

  5. heather on February 15, 2001 at 07:24 said:

    and there is way too much response for a moment of published, valentine’s day self-pity.

  6. heh. oh well. i hear the name jason in ANY context, i react. don’t mind me, i’m just nuts.

  7. heather on February 15, 2001 at 09:59 said:

    don’t worry, i do too. actually, i flinch whenever i hear any male j-name (jason, joe, josh, jeremy)… i have really, really horrible luck with j-named guys.

  8. this cracks me up… you women are truely psycho. yup. totally.

  9. heather on February 15, 2001 at 10:28 said:

    truly, scott. no ‘e’. =)

  10. Yeah, we might be psycho, but we’re grammatically CORRECT psychos. So there.
    I would have said the same about “J” guys, but James has proven to be the exception. So I just have issues with Jasons.

  11. i was wondering wherer that “e” got off to… i’ve been missing it…

  12. *picking up his extra “r”*
    thanks. i’ll be going now.

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