
jamie & colene came over last night for dinner. we were planning a mexican cooking extravaganza, but, as is our modus operandi, we changed our minds and, after a trip to the grocery store for supplies, made ourselves individual pizzas instead. that didn’t stop us from making and drinking margaritas as per the original plan, though!
it was fun, all three of us in the kitchen, everyone with a task: colene on mushroom slicing, jamie grating cheese, me working on peppers and getting the baking implements arranged. the pizza was yummy, the drinks were strong, we yakked and tried to find something on tv to watch (and failed) until it was late enough that col had to drive jamie to his bus.
yup, i could totally get used to having friends over.
it’s friday. there’s actual sunshine streaming in my office window for the first time in what seems like months. i’m wearing my new shirt with the sparkles. my new safety shoes are cute and comfy. i’ve been invited to a party tonight. my bills are paid, and i don’t feel sleepy. i certainly hope this day continues feeling this great!
as you can see from today’s photo, i’ve hung my julie b. andersen original photograph (here’s a detail), with the help of j&c. it’s just so perfect for my room i can’t even stand it. now, i just need my dresser and my room will be complete.
oh god, i sense a serious case of good mood coming on. this could be dangerous…

3 Thoughts on “it’s my funday

  1. I thought for a moment you’d posted a hotel photo! There’s something about the combo of the headboard (minus the doll, of course) with framed picture over it that makes me think of a hotel. And the big light-blocking curtains.
    You should charge per night!

  2. shy me on January 20, 2006 at 19:01 said:

    love the bedroom!
    love the mood ( hope it’s contagious! )
    love the shoes so much I wish my work was more dangerous!
    happy friday.

  3. good lord, that bedroom looks luscious.
    i’m in half a mind to send The Boy out to bed, bath and beyond for complete refurbishments.

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