i still feel really self-conscious taking personal phone calls at work. maybe it’s because my desk is right outside the boss’ office and i know he frowns on excessive phone use. maybe it’s because i really hate everyone listening in on my conversations. maybe i just got in so much shit for it at my last job i’ve learned my lesson. the funny thing is, i hardly ever initiate the calls. they phone me. it’s great, but they never pick a good time. it’s always when i’m really swamped and people keep walking in needing me to do things or my boss is in a bad mood. they never phone the days my boss is gone and i’m all caught up on my work.
honestly, i don’t even know why i have a phone at my desk. just email me. then i can ignore you if i’m not in the mood.

One Thought on “it’s nice to be popular, but…

  1. Goddess on February 19, 2001 at 06:46 said:

    I too only receive personal phone calls when my boss is in my office. What’s up with that?

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