do you have a significant boy in your life?
do you have a brother you love to pieces?
do you have a male friend you care about?
if you do, make sure they read this.
amen, sister. amen.
(disclaimer: my vigorous agreement with the thoughts expressed in the post are based solely on past experiences, just so we’re crystal clear.)

6 Thoughts on “it’s not (always) your fault.

  1. giggles ; )

  2. kathryn on August 31, 2006 at 15:48 said:

    Wow – your site looks fab! Good job here!

  3. The female orgasm is a cruel myth.

  4. hmm………

  5. I’ve never understood the fake…stop faking…stop it…NOW!

  6. Who am I to fool a man into thinking he’s good in bed?

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