the last few mornings, i’ve woken up at 4 am and been summoned to the lavatory where i was compelled to expel the grey-green amoeba-like alien creatures which have taken up residency in my lungs. i’m fairly convinced that this is an alien parasite using me as its host and their overwhelming biological urge is to enter the sewer system by way of my bathroom sink.
let me just say one thing: just because i’ve seen Men in Black about a million times does NOT mean i want squishy-chunky aliens living in my chest, dammit!
i really thought the Cold-FX had kicked this thing out of me before it took hold. i’d never tried the stuff before, but Christopher swears by it, so i went for it. stupid money-grabbing witch-doctor hocus-pocus. next time, i’ll just go to bed and suffer — it’s cheaper.
oh, right. vacation review. let’s see, went a bunch of places, did a bunch of things, then ate sugar and felt like crap. applied for a new passport. got a new awesome coat. slept in. stayed up late. chilled. went for a walk or three. saw friends. got sick.
all in all, it was exactly what i needed: a week with little to no responsibilities and it was glorious. only two more months until i get to do it again!

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