little piles of dna

and i thought the morning alien babies were bad!
other than a quick trip to the Spa to ensure Liselotte’s wheel won’t fall off and procuring food & drugs, i haven’t been out of my apartment since Friday afternoon. the plague i thought i had fought with the help of Cold-FX gave me the ultimate smack-down and i’ve been writhing on the mat ever since. ugh. it only reason i went to work Friday was for a Very Important Meeting which i’d been hoping for for over two years. as soon as that was finished, my boss sent me home.
on the way, groggy and zombie-eyed, a blue mini-van tried to change lanes into me. there was much squealing, smoke and my hubcap got sheared off the front wheel of the car when i bumped into the curb while trying to avoid automotive squishiness.
poor Christopher came over that night to make me ginger tea and watch me suffer. i wasn’t really in the best shape for company, especially since speaking more than a sentence would send me into a coughing fit. i guess he’s just hot for chicks with blood-shot eyes and the voice of a 80-year-old whiskey-drinking chain-smoking barfly.
my entire “weekend” was spent sleeping, trying to sleep, coughing or whining about how horrible my life is and please god kill me now why don’t you just end my suffering already? the best part? every time i turned on the TV it was all swine flu this, swine flu that. i can’t even have the cool swine flu, it’s just some garden variety flu. i’m so unlucky. especially since i had to cancel my massage appointment on Saturday and we all know how much i love me my massage time. on Sunday, i didn’t want to risk going to the camera show, so Chris and Jamie had all the fun there for me instead. jealous.
i’m staying home today, too, because when my alarm went off at 5:30 this morning, i was so very tired it felt like the entire universe had its hands on my shoulders to keep me in bed. so i called my boss, rolled over and slept for four more hours. i must be feeling better, though, because all i really want to do today is go for a walk and maybe sit in a park in the sunshine for a while. oh, and i can actually taste my breakfast. yay!

2 Thoughts on “no little piggies went to mexico

  1. Snotty rags on the desk aside, you’ve a snazzy sofa and a bunch of hardwood there to keep you cozy. Thispost, weekend in quotes a so perfect use, and as for me, maybe like you I was hoping to get the Mexican one early on when it was mild and/or emergencies and intensive cares were onto buy still largely devoid of the thing making attention prompt, or if only to save on hand sanitizer.
    And I’m sure Christopher is good for samosas or whoppers or spicy crunch combos or salad loop, at least for a few more days. What punched thru that was for breakfast?
    I wish I could, on those very same mornings I feel those hands on my shoulders, a few hours earlier than they visit yours, bail on a work day. But there is no one to call.
    Final note, covering everything in a single comment, “Guns, Germs and Steel”: my mom gave that to me as a must read about five months ago, I read the intro and the first chapter and I was all like this is such a must read, and then put it aside for when I can really consider it. I’ve since read “Freakonomics” and “Blink”, along with the aforementioned the must-see TV of non-TV. I at once, and over all the years read both too much and far too little. I wish sometimes culture would just pause right now and that I could live about 400 more years just reading about it, thinking about it and experiencing it’ there is just way too much to absorb.
    feel gooder shortly if you’re not already.

  2. Moutures on November 11, 2009 at 01:48 said:

    Hello. Great job. I did not expect this on a Wednesday. This is a great story. Thanks!

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