yeah, stuff. actually, lots of word-worthy stuff has happened; but, by the time i get somewhere i can write about it, i… just don’t want to anymore. sorry.
the really sad part is that, according to, i get pretty much exactly the same number of visitors whether i post or not. seriously. how sad is that? it really doesn’t inspire me to write all that much, if i’m honest.
btw, is it weird that my most annoying neighbours don’t even live in the same building as me? hell, i don’t even know which building bongo-neighbour lives in. that’s probably a good thing because if i did, i might be tempted to do something… un-neighbourly.
i’m obsessed with getting a cat. but, first, i need to get screens for the sliding glass door and windows. the last thing i want is my shiny new cat to fall out of my apartment. hell, i want one so bad, i’m even starting to think i’m willing to risk the red leather couch by adopting one which hasn’t been de-clawed! i know! who am i and what has happened to the real heather?
oh, there’s a SuperAwesomeProject in the works, but i’m not talking about it until it’s borne some fruit. don’t worry, i’m documenting everything so that when i unveil it, you’ll get the whole story. yes, i’m awesome. you’re welcome.
anyway, i’m really just procrastinating going to bed. i have to start work earlier than usual tomorrow, which means, of course, i’m totally not tired when i should be. at least the weekend is imminent and there’s a massage booked for saturday morning. ahh, massage.

6 Thoughts on “oh, hi.

  1. ooh, kitten! if you do get a cat and worry about your leather couch, get this fabulous cardboard fish.
    my cat would not leave my couch alone until i got one for her and now she uses it as a scratching post and a perch.

  2. When you post new content, you get regular readers; when you don’t post new content, you get sickos who’ve come to your blog following Google searches for “Hannah Montana nude banana ice cream” and the like.
    I’m not sure why you want to get a cat. They’re nothing but lazy beings that eat your food, laze about on your furniture and make incredibly bad puns. Oh wait…sorry, that’s Chris.

  3. You REALLY want to risk THE couch? You can’t do that! Not the RED COUCH!

  4. gillian on May 30, 2009 at 17:16 said:

    My cat only fell out of my apartment once in over 4 years, and that was right near the beginning. I’m guessing she was trying to escape and decided against a second attempt.

  5. helen on June 3, 2009 at 16:11 said:

    Don’t stop! I love reading your blog. I have read every entry you have made, I just can’t get here that often so I love to drop in and catch up. I would be sad if you weren’t here one day.

  6. Alice on July 2, 2009 at 22:34 said:

    you know what? you are that kind of girl who easily could make pepole fall love with you. just cool!

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